The limited value of ‘employability’ as an objective in the training of Psychologists: Evidence from Chile


  • Luis González PIIE and IESED, Chile
  • Oscar Espinoza Universidad de Tarapacá and IESED, Chile
  • Luis Sandoval Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana, Chile
  • Noel McGinn Harvard University, United States
  • Dante Castillo PIIE and IESED, Chile



Employability, quality of training, psychology, higher education, human capital, Chile


This study, carried out in Chile, describes difficulties in the incorporation of employability as an objective in the training of psychologists. Prior research emphasized confusion of key actors about how to train and measure employability. To illustrate that confusion, we compared perspectives of university Psychology department heads and employers of their graduates. Semi-structured interviews revealed understandings of various elements in the employment process. The department heads began by describing the process and criteria they follow to design, operate and assess their programs. Employers described the skills they have looked for when hiring graduates. Where possible the study notes the match between university training objectives and employer preferences. The skills promoted by universities and employers match on only some dimensions. ‘Employability’ varies in meaning across actors, occupations, and contexts. At present, universities and employers have little understanding of what the other seeks to accomplish.


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Author Biographies

  • Luis González, PIIE and IESED, Chile

    Programa Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones en Educación (PIIE) and Instituto Interuniversitario de Investigación Educativa (IESED).

  • Oscar Espinoza, Universidad de Tarapacá and IESED, Chile

    Facultad de Educación y Humanidades, Universidad de Tarapacá and Instituto Interuniversitario de Investigación Educativa (IESED).

  • Luis Sandoval, Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana, Chile

    Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana.

  • Noel McGinn, Harvard University, United States

    Harvard University.

  • Dante Castillo, PIIE and IESED, Chile

    Programa Interdisciplinario de Investigaciones en Educación (PIIE) and Instituto Interuniversitario de Investigación Educativa (IESED).


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How to Cite

The limited value of ‘employability’ as an objective in the training of Psychologists: Evidence from Chile. (2020). Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability, 11(1), 50-62.