JISSB provides a forum for advancing and disseminating the growing body of specialist research into how Information Systems (IS) can help small businesses to address the various pressures they face, and the associated IS issues and challenges faced by small businesses.

Merger with AJIS

In 2009 it was decided that the interests of IS academics researching in the area of SMEs would be best served by merging JISSB with the Australasian Journal of Information Systems. There are many reasons for this:

  1. AJIS is ranked higher than JISSB in many Australian and international journal ranking lists.
  2. The efforts of the JISSB editors (and review board) would be better served by joining forces with the AJIS editorial team.
  3. The merger would also best serve prospective authors because AJIS has greater exposure internationally than the newly created JISSB.

The first product of the merger of JISSB and AJIS is the SME special issue in vol. 16, no. 1, 2009 of AJIS. This AJIS issue includes papers originally submitted to JISSB and reviewed by the JISSB editorial board.

Submit an article

We recommend that prospective authors who would have considered submitting to JISSB instead submit their papers to AJIS using AJIS's online submission process.

Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 1-2 (2007)
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