The Personas of K/DA, Transmedia Marketing, and Riot Games Music


  • Andra Ivănescu Brunel University London, United Kingdom




Videogames, League of Legends, Persona, K-pop, Virtual band


In 2018, American developer Riot Games introduced their new musical venture – K-pop virtual band K/DA – through a live augmented reality performance opening the League of Legends World Championship Finals. The band’s first single – POP/STARS – quickly became a hit even outside of gaming circles, leading the developers to stage a follow-up in 2020, when the band released a full EP titled ALL OUT. This article examines the evolution of the virtual band and its members as virtual characters, personas, and performers, at the intersection of discourses surrounding popular music, videogames, and hallyu.


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How to Cite

“POP/STARS”: The Personas of K/DA, Transmedia Marketing, and Riot Games Music. (2025). Persona Studies, 10(1), 42-55. https://doi.org/10.21153/psj2024vol10no1art1867