The Audacity of Hope: Examining the Influences of Stable Persona Construction on Political Discourse in the United States
Narrative, Campaign Autobiography, Narrative Paradigm, Political Persona, Public Narrative, Stable Persona, Disruptive PersonaAbstract
This study explores the realm of political persona construction and narrative persuasion through the analysis of Barack Obama's autobiography, The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream. It utilizes Walter Fisher's narrative paradigm theory to analyze how Obama's autobiography strengthened his political image during the 2008 presidential campaign. Using the thematic narrative method of analysis, this paper examines the presence of two key components of Fisher's narrative paradigm - narrative coherence and narrative fidelity - within Obama's campaign autobiography. It investigates how these elements contributed to convincing the American electorate of Obama's leadership qualities, his embodiment of a quintessential representation of citizenship, and his advocacy for the fundamental ideas and beliefs that support his proposed policy agenda. This research highlights the intricate relationship between persona construction and narrative persuasion in the context of Obama's campaign
autobiography. It underscores the effectiveness of narrative coherence and fidelity in shaping a compelling political image and influencing public perception. The study challenges the notion that the coordinated stable persona strategy, which played a crucial role in establishing Barack Obama's influential political image, may yield different results in the aftermath of the Trump and
Brexit eras (Marshall & Henderson, 2016). In conclusion, the study provides a nuanced exploration of the constantly evolving landscape of political persona-building strategies in American politics.
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