Here We Go Again
Cyclical Fandom, Persona and Identity
In 2005, Matt Hills posed the question 'What does it mean to be a fan?' introducing the concept of the 'cyclical fan' – and individual who masters something new, then moves to another fan object. As technological advancements, such as streaming services, continue to reshape television, research on television viewing culture must adapt accordingly. This article examines how individuals engage with scripted television programmes, focusing on fan behaviours associated with their fan objects. It explores the habits of long-term, cyclical, and moderate fans, analysing their identity formation and behaviour intensity. The study proposes a shift from the concept of 'cyclical fan' to the more encompassing 'cyclical fan behaviours'. Through surveys and focus groups, this research bridges fan studies and persona studies by examining television viewing habits and fan behaviours within the framework of persona studies. Key findings include the impact evolving technology has on cyclical fan behaviours and the dichotomy of fan identification. This interdisciplinary approach offers new insights into both cyclical and persona studies contributing to our understanding of contemporary fan practices in the evolving media landscape.
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