When Artists Became Intellectuals: Science as a Significant Other for the Female Artistic Persona





artistic personas, intellectuals, intellect, creativity, science


The increasing appreciation of science posed an interesting challenge to art in the late 19th Century. Modernisation, professionalisation, secularisation and technical novelties all seemed to question the social status of the artist. Arguing that one possible way for individual artists to meet this challenge was to incorporate elements of the scientific persona with their artistic self, this article focuses on the Swedish-speaking, Finnish artist and writer Helena Westermarck (1857–1938). While constructing an intellectual comradeship with her brother, the internationally well-known sociologist and anthropologist Edward Westermarck (1862–1939), Helena Westermarck often referred to the exceptional intellectual and analytical capacities of the artist. Arguing that the prestige of science could be used to lend credibility to the artistic persona, the article will discuss some of the ideas that led Westermarck to gradually fashion her public appearance as an artist into the persona of a public intellectual, writer and self-supporting (single) woman on equal terms with her brother.


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Author Biography

  • Julia Dahlberg, University of Helsinki, Finland

    PhD, Department of philosophy, history, art- and cultural studies, University of Helsinki.


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How to Cite

When Artists Became Intellectuals: Science as a Significant Other for the Female Artistic Persona. (2025). Persona Studies, 4(1), 60-73. https://doi.org/10.21153/ps2018vol4no1art688