Stage Persona, Stand-Up Comedy and Mental Health: ‘Putting Yourself out There’


  • Matt Hargrave Northumbria University, UK



vulnerability, role, comedy, mental health, stigma, performance


This article addresses the subject of stand-up and mental health through the prism of comic persona, generating new, non-diagnostic discourses around mental illness. The article focuses on British and Australian comedians whose material addresses conditions such as bipolar disorder (John Scott), depression and anxiety (Seymour Mace; Lauren Pattison; Felicity Ward), or feigns the staging of mental collapse (Stewart Lee). Based on the analysis of live events and one-on-one interviews, the essay considers the role that persona plays in mediating the relationship between the comedian and their material, arguing that shaping persona is key to developing practices framed within a poetics of vulnerability.


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Author Biography

  • Matt Hargrave, Northumbria University, UK

    Matt Hargrave is a Senior Lecturer in Drama at Northumbria University, Newcastle Upon Tyne. His overarching research interest is vulnerability and how it is reflected or redistributed in performance: to understand why vulnerability is overwhelmingly equated with weakness and risk; and how acts of public performance can redefine the terms of engagement. He is the author of Theatres of Learning Disability: Good, Bad or Plain Ugly? (Palgrave 2015), which won the Theatre and Performance Research Association’s 2016 Early Career Research Award. He is a recipient of a Northern Network for Medical Humanities Research Seed award for the project “Understanding and Developing the Role of Stand-up Comedy in Mental Health Education”. 


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Themed Articles

How to Cite

Stage Persona, Stand-Up Comedy and Mental Health: ‘Putting Yourself out There’. (2025). Persona Studies, 5(2), 67-82.