About the Journal

Focus and Scope

JTLGE is a scholarly forum for the dissemination of research and exemplary evidence-based practice that focuses on teaching and learning to enhance graduate employability, including as it relates to:

Policy and success measures:

  • how these are defined, assessed, judged and measured, including international measures and rankings;
  • the achievement of graduate attributes, professional capabilities, engaged citizenship and lifelong learning.

The future of work in the digital economy:

  • how teaching-learning is responding to the disrupted digital economy, certifications and micro credentials; entrepreneurship and self-employment; contemporary workforce needs; and emerging recruitment processes.

Teaching practice, evaluation and student success:

  • student experience, work-integrated learning and career-embedded learning;
  • ethics, academic integrity and social media traceability;
  • assessment artefacts and portfolios.

Higher education workforce, educators and the academy:

  • qualifications and educational purpose;
  • employability and the higher education workforce of the future;
  • preparing educators to enact curricula for employability; enabling educators, including casuals, to ensure their own employability.

We welcome the submission of

  • scholarly papers (up to 8000 words for double-blind refereeing)
    • research-based evaluations of innovations and practices;
    • investigations of the literature in the field, including new theoretical approaches; and
  • practitioner reflections (up to 2000 words for editorial review)

Practitioner reflections engage with the ideas, practice and concerns of practitioners (i.e. educators, academic developers, learning designers, career advisors). Practitioner reflections should focus on constructive criticism of conceptual, philosophical, theoretical or professional issues relevant to teaching and learning for graduate employability. The practitioner reflection should be written in a formal/academic style. The reflection should include:

  • Abstract - brief.
  • Introduction – clearly identify the conceptual, philosophical, theoretical or professional issue to be discussed; explain how the context of the paper extends or fills a gap in knowledge.
  • Discussion – using subheadings appropriate to the issue present a compelling, evidence informed, critical reflection on the issue.
  • Conclusion – briefly explain the relevance of your reflections and insights for practice or research as appropriate.

We particularly encourage papers co-authored by education providers, employers and industry bodies, graduates and students.

Peer Review Process

JTLGE has a continuous publication system and aims to provide a prompt and efficient review process. From the receipt of a manuscript we aim to provide reviewer reports within six (6) weeks from the submission date. All research and evidence-based papers will undergo a timely, constructive, confidential, fair and impartial double blind review process.

Author(s) will be provided with reviewer comments and the outcome of the review process which may fall under the following categories:

  1. Accepted
  2. Conditionally Accepted: minor revisions to be made by the author(s)
  3. Revise and Resubmit: major revisions needed
  4. Declined.

Evaluation Guidelines for Reviewers

Guidelines for Reviewers

These Evaluation Guidelines are based on those developed by Jon Yorke for evaluating conference submissions for the Australian Technology Network Assessment Conference 2011.

Becoming a Reviewer

The Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability welcomes new Reviewers. To register as a Reviewer please email Journal Managers Dr Katherine Howard or Dr Elizabeth Cook at jtlge@deakin.edu.au to request registration details. You will then be able to log in from the Home page, edit your profile and add your reviewing interests under the Roles tab.

Publication Frequency

The Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability has a continuous publication system, offering scholars an efficient process with a short turn-around time for accepted submissions.

Each annual edition will open in the first scheduled month with published articles; other successfully reviewed articles will be added during the ensuing months.

In this system, articles can be published within a short time frame, guaranteeing currency for authors and readers.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Accordingly no charge is made to submit, accept or publish manuscripts.

Journal and Author Profile

The Editorial Committee is committed to promoting the JTLGE in a variety of ways including pursuing indexing of the Journal in relevant and high quality journal/information resource databases. Authors are also encouraged to enhance their visibility and reach by including their ORCID iD in their Journal profile  and on the cover page when making a new submission.

Similarly authors should consider the inclusion of key words to enhance search engine optimisation and findability of Journal content. For assistance with choosing discipline-relevant terminology authors may wish to see the Australian Education Index and ERIC.