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Author Guidelines

1. Journal Scope

JTLGE is an open access online journal that publishes journal papers from higher education / industry perspectives; including research papers, exemplary evidence-based practice and scholarly investigations of the theoretical literature in the field; up to 8000 words in length and double-blind refereed.

The Editor welcomes original research papers and articles that have not been published elsewhere and are not being considered for another journal.

Contributions are welcome in relation to any aspect of higher education teaching and learning related to the topic of graduate employability, including but not confined to:

  • how it can be evaluated, assessed, judged or measured;
  • the achievement of graduate attributes, professional competencies and skills and capabilities associated with civic engagement and global citizenship;
  • teaching and learning experiences, resources and assessments, which enhance graduate employability;
  • industry partnerships and perspectives;
  • life-long learning for capability and professional development.

We particularly encourage papers co-authored in partnership with industry, students, professional staff and academics.

The Editor, in consultation with the Editorial Committee, reserves the right to accept or reject any manuscript.

  • Inquiries should be made to Professor Helen Partridge, Editor:
  • Inquiries about the submission process, including requests for registration, should be made to the Journal Managers, Dr Katherine Howard or Dr Elizabeth Cook:

2. Style Guide

Title Page and corresponding author

  1. Each journal paper must have a cover page with the title of the article, a list of all authors and their titles, affiliations, their ORCID and the email address of the corresponding author. The Title Page should explicitly identify the author to whom correspondence about the paper should be addressed and that author's email address, telephone number and postal address must be clearly stated.
  2. Statements regarding the following are also required on the Title page as relevant: Acknowledgements; Conflict of Interests; Funding; Use or non-use of Artificial Intelligence; and Contributions against CReDIT.

Body of Text

  1. Content: Submissions should address issues relating to the Journal's scope and readership.
  2. Length: Submissions should be between 6,000 and 8,000 words (excluding endnotes and references).
  3. Abstract: Submissions should include a 250 word unstructured abstract (no sub-headings or breaks)
  4. Keywords: Below the abstract a list of up to eight (8) key words, for the purpose of indexing, must be included.
  5. Spacing and Paragraphing: Submissions should be single-spaced with no indenting for paragraphs and one line spacing between paragraphs.
  6. Font: 11 point, Calibri.
  7. Spelling: Australian English.
  8. Endnotes: Should be used sparingly.

Use of Headings

  1. The paper title should be in sentence case (first word capitalised) in 16 point Calibri font, bold, left aligned.
  2. Second level headings for sections should be in 14 point Calibri font, bold, left aligned, double spacing before and after.
  3. Third level headings should be bold, in 12 point Calibri font, left aligned, double spacing before and after.
  4. The reference section should be called References and is a second level heading. Do not start a new page for References.

Use of Figures and Tables

  1. Figures (diagrams and schemata) and tables should be located in the text.
  2. All figures and tables should be numbered separately. For example, Figure 1, Table 1 etc.
  3. Captions for tables and figures should be in 11 point Calibri font, bold, italicised, left aligned with capitals for words of more than four letters.
  4. Captions should be above tables and figures (as per APA 7th style).

Citation and Referencing

  1. JTLGE requires authors to ensure that manuscripts conform to the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th style of citation and referencing, with the reference list single-spaced and in hanging indent format.  The APA style webpage provides examples of how to display references.
  2. DOIs for references must be included when available. Place the DOI at the end of the reference, and don’t add a period at the end of it. The DOI needs to be hyperlinked and in the following format:
  3. In-text citations should include both authors’ surnames up to 2 authors. For 3 or more authors use the first author only followed by et al. All authors' names are included in the reference list entry (up to 20 authors).

For more information on DOIs and URLs see the APA website.

3. Ethics and Malpractice

The Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability (JTLGE) makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the content contained in our publications. However, JTLGE, our agents and our licensors make no representations or guarantees whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the content. Any opinions or views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by the JTLGE. The accuracy should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. The JTLGE shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages or other liabilities caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to, or arising from, the use of the content.

Where appropriate, the submitted article should indicate whether the research has undergone an ethics approval process within the author's institution. All research must adhere to the NHMRC National Statement on Ethics and the Australian Association for Research Education Statement of Ethics. Any instances of research malpractice will be considered in relation to these guidelines.

In no circumstances will the Editors encourage misconduct, or knowingly publish papers where misconduct has occurred.  Should the Editors be made aware of allegations of misconduct they will take appropriate steps to remove the publication and investigate the allegations in accordance with NHMRC Guidelines – this includes reporting the matter to the lead authors institution and working with the relevant institutions Human Ethics Committee to investigate the allegation.  In accordance with the NHMRC guidelines a minor oversight will be subject to correction and noted as a corrected version.  Significant breaches will see the paper removed from the journal record and a retraction notice recoded in lieu.

To be named as an author on a paper, all authors must have significantly contributed to the research reported. It is the responsibility of lead authors to ensure that they obtain written agreement from all co-authors in relation to their being named an authors. In the event of errors, corrections and retractions, all authors are obliged to provide retractions or corrections of mistakes when they become aware of their existence.

The Editorial Committee adhere to the COPE Guidelines. Where errors are made in the handling of ethics or malpractice matters the Editors will acknowledge these and publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies.

4. Non-Exclusive Publishing Agreement

As part of our commitment to maintaining high standards of publication and ensuring the broad dissemination of research, lead authors are required to sign a non-exclusive publishing agreement prior to publication.

This agreement allows us to publish your work and disseminate it through third parties that we work with to index and promote access to the journal, while granting you the freedom to distribute your manuscript in other venues as you see fit. The agreement aims to protect your rights as an author and to promote wider access to your research. Corresponding authors will receive the agreement form to complete and return to their assigned copyeditor at the copyediting stage. For any questions or further information, feel free to contact us at

5. Submitting Your Manuscript

  • The preferred form of submission for all contributions is electronic as a Microsoft Word .doc file, uploaded through the Submit Article page of the Journal website. To request registration details, or if you have difficulty using the online system, please contact the Journal Manager, Dr Katherine Howard. 
  • Prior to submitting, please ensure your manuscript meets our Evaluation Guidelines and you have addressed all requirements detailed in our Submission Checklist below.

6. Refereeing Process

JTLGE has a continuous publication system and, as much as possible, aims to provide a prompt and efficient review process.

All journal papers will undergo a constructive, confidential, fair and impartial double blind review process.

Author(s) will be provided with reviewer comments and the outcome of the review process which may fall under the following categories:

  1. Accepted
  2. Conditionally Accepted-minor revisions to be made by the author(s)
  3. Revise and Resubmit-major revisions needed
  4. Declined.

For your information, a copy of the guidelines used by reviewers is provided here.

Evaluation Guidelines for Reviewers

Guidelines for Reviewers

These Evaluation Guidelines are based on those developed by Jon Yorke for evaluating conference submissions for the Australian Technology Network Assessment Conference 2011.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements:

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it being considered for another journal.
  • The submission file is in a recent version of Microsoft Word.
  • All URL addresses in the text are activated.
  • The text is single-spaced in Calibri 11 point font.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Style Guide.
  • Line Numbers have been added to the Manuscript file (to add line numbers, please go to Layout in the menu bar).
  • A 250 word unstructured abstract (i.e. no subheadings or breaks), and up to eight (8) keywords, is included.
  • A separate Title Page, which lists all authors, their titles, affiliations, short biographical statements (no more than 75 words), including ORCiD, and the email address of the corresponding author. Please upload this as a supplementary file separate from the manuscript, which should have no identifying information (i.e., the manuscript must be anonymised for peer-review).
  • Information regarding ethics approval from the author's institution is included in the paper, where appropriate.
  • Statements regarding the following are provided on the Title page as relevant: Acknowledgements; Conflict of Interests; Funding; Use or non-use of Artificial Intelligence; and Contributions against CReDIT.
  • The author(s) have read the Copyright Notice and have permission for any reproduction.
  • All articles published in JTLGE are published under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-4.0 License ( By submitting to this journal, you permit your article to come under this license. Additionally, you also grant a non-exclusive license for your work to be archived in and made available to users of the National Library of Australia's Australian Web Archive (formerly Pandora web archive) and appropriate subject based databases.
  • To ensure the integrity of anonymous peer-review, every effort has been made to prevent the identities of the authors and reviewers from being known to each other. The following steps must be taken on the file to be peer-reviewed or your manuscript will be returned:
  1. The authors of the document have deleted their names from the text, with "Author" and year used in the references and footnotes, instead of the authors' name, article title, etc.
  2. The authors of the document have removed personal information from the file properties by taking the following steps:  
  • For Microsoft Word for Windows: Go to File > Info. Click on "Check for Issues". Click on "Inspect Document". In the Document Inspector dialog box, select the check boxes to choose the type of hidden content that you want inspected (i.e., "Document Properties and Personal Information"). Click "Remove All". Click "Close". Save the document.
  • Microsoft Word for MacOS: Go to Tools. Click "Protect Document". Select "Remove personal information for this file on save". Click "OK" and save the file. 


The Editor welcomes original research or evidence-based practice papers that have not been published elsewhere and are not being considered for another journal. Papers up to 8,000 words are accepted which are within the scope of the Journal, as outlined above. All material submitted for publication in this category shall be evaluated by a double blind peer review process. The Editor, in consultation with the Editorial Committee, reserves the right to accept or reject any manuscript. Inquiries should be made to the Journal Managers, Dr Katherine Howard or Dr Elizabeth Cook.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.