Bridging the gap: Graduate dispositional employability and the interconnected relationship between third space career and learning support services




Dispositional employability, learning support, career development, third space, higher education


This conceptual paper explores the dynamic interplay between university career development and learning support services. A distinct focus on enhancing dispositional employability of both staff and the graduates they support is discussed. Integral to successful career preparedness, the essential attributes of dispositional employability include openness to work change; resilience via a sense of control over career decision-making; an optimistic and proactive approach to seeking future opportunities; motivation in career self-management, and confidence in linking work and personal identity. Additionally, the paper also discusses how career and learning support services are positioned within the third space of higher education which is outside of administrative and traditional academic spaces. The significance of collaborating whilst maintaining distinct career development and learning advisory services is highlighted, so as to enhance graduate employability via effective connection of academic learning with career readiness. Investigations of the literature in the field lead to a conceptual model, the Maturity Model of Integrated Career and Learning Services (MM-ICLS), and recommendations that encourage collaborative peer support and capacity building for these third space staff, and congruent student support that will strengthen the dispositional employability of graduates and empower student success.


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Author Biographies

  • Jennifer Luke, University of Southern Queensland

    Dr Jennifer Luke is an experienced researcher and educator in the field of careers and employability. Jennifer is an Adjunct Research Fellow at the University of Southern Queensland, a Senior Researcher at CQ University, and the Queensland Division President for the Career Development Association of Australia. Jennifer has extensive experience working as a career counsellor and practitioner within higher education with a particular focus on postgraduate and research students. 

  • Cristy Bartlett, University of Southern Queensland

    Dr Cristy Bartlett is an experienced educator who is passionate about creating equitable higher education learning experiences for students. Cristy is currently the Manager of the Student Learning Advising Team within Support for Learning at the University of Southern Queensland. Cristy has extensive experience working within the higher education sector as a lecturer, learning advisor, and manager and is currently working on projects relating to academic skill development and study motivation.


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How to Cite

Luke, J., & Bartlett, C. (2024). Bridging the gap: Graduate dispositional employability and the interconnected relationship between third space career and learning support services. Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability, 15(2), 27-40.