A novel employability embedding framework for three-year bachelor’s programs


  • Rajib Rana University of Southern Queensland
  • Linda Galligan
  • Rouz Fard
  • Tessa McCredie




employability embedding, e-portfolio


Employability skills and capabilities are equally important as academic and technical knowledge in the current job market. Consequently, universities are increasingly focusing on providing employability skills to their students. While universities in Australia are experimenting with various methods for employability embedding, we could not find any framework for embedding employability at the course level. Mapping employability at the course level is non-trivial but necessary to scaffold employability.

e-portfolios form an integral part of employability; however, it is not well defined in the literature how to embed and assess an e-portfolio into a tertiary academic program. Unless an e-portfolio is embedded and assessed in the academic program, the uptake by the students cannot be guaranteed; hence students miss out on the benefits of such an important tool. This paper addresses these two key challenges. It develops an employability embedding framework targeted for a three-year bachelor’s program. This framework also enables the embedding and assessment of e-portfolios. The framework is novel as it offers a scaffolded and organic way to embed employability


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Author Biography

  • Rajib Rana, University of Southern Queensland

    Associate Professor, Computer Science, USQ | Advance QLD Research Fellow, 2020, 2017

    Program Director Master of Data Science  | Program Director IoT-Health | USQ

    Employability Lead SoSci, USQ


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How to Cite

A novel employability embedding framework for three-year bachelor’s programs. (2023). Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability, 14(1), 104-118. https://doi.org/10.21153/jtlge2023vol14no1art1604