Exploring the role of generic competencies in employability and academic performance of students of psychology





This paper analyses the relation between generic competencies of students of Psychology and their academic performance and employability. A sample of 43 students of Psychology in a Spanish university was used to measure their generic competencies, academic performance and employability. Correlational and regression tests were conducted to evaluate the relation between the variables. The generic competence ‘adhering to principles and values’ is positively related to employability, while the competencies ‘achieve results/client satisfaction’ and ‘socialise and create networks’ are positively related to academic performance. No significant relationship was found between academic performance and employability. Generic competencies favour both academic performance and employability. The competencies which influence only one of these aspects are different. Our research offers insights to teacher learning communities to engage in a profound reflection on the inclusion of methodologies that facilitate the development of competencies related to academic performance and those most in demand in the labour market within the field of Psychology. Generic competencies are essential part of the education of students of Psychology. These competencies are institutionally developed with the aim of orienting the education of psychologists towards their future professional practice. It is essential to understand how the development of generic competencies may facilitate academic performance and employability of graduates in Psychology.


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Author Biographies

  • Teresa de Dios Alija , Francisco de Vitoria University
    Director of the Master's Degree in People Management and Organizational Behavior
  • David Aguado García, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

    Director of Innovation in Talent Management of the Institute of Knowledge Engineering.

  • Noemy Martín Sanz, Universidad Francisco de Vitoria

    Principal Investigator, Psychology, Education and Society Research Group.


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How to Cite

Exploring the role of generic competencies in employability and academic performance of students of psychology. (2024). Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability, 15(1), 21-37. https://doi.org/10.21153/jtlge2024vol15no1art1764