Employability of forestry graduates: evidence from a state university in the Philippines
Employability is a measure of the effectiveness of an academic program in the quality of its graduates. However, insufficient data on employability of forestry graduates are still observed, particularly in northern Philippines. Hence, the study aimed to trace the employment of BS Forestry (BSF) graduates in DMMMSU from 2015 to 2022. The study used descriptive research design to describe the BSF graduates' socio-demographic characteristics, educational background, and initial employment profile. Survey was employed as data collection method, and quantitative techniques were used for analysis. Results revealed that majority of graduates were female and had been awarded college scholarships; some graduated with honours and awards. Majority were licensed foresters, while very few had other professional eligibilities. Most were employed at least once after graduation and were professional contractual employees of companies, mainly in agriculture, hunting, and forestry. Salaries and benefits were the primary reason for acceptance of jobs, while most secured forestry-related jobs within six months after their graduation. The gross monthly income for a great majority of the initial forestry-related jobs reported was less than PhP 15,000.00. Most employed graduates agreed that their program and curriculum were related and relevant to their jobs. However, regular updating of curriculum and instruction is the major suggestion of graduates to improve the program. The likelihood of gaining employment after graduation significantly increases when school support services are provided for career and job placement. Honours and awards in college were seen to be significant factors contributing to the employability of forestry graduates.Metrics
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