Employer perspectives on the importance of help-seeking as a key skill of higher education graduates


  • Natasha Dwyer Victoria University
  • Naomi Dempsey La Trobe University
  • Darren Brown RMIT University
  • Anthony Watt Victoria University




help-seeking skills, employability, higher education, graduate expectations, communication skills, resilience


This study investigates the importance of help-seeking skills among higher education graduates as perceived by employers. Through semi-structured interviews with 16 employers across various industries in Australia, the research identifies help-seeking as a critical skill that enhances employability. An employee demonstrates effective help-seeking abilities when they appropriately request assistance to accomplish a task at work. Our research explores the nuance of what employers have in mind when they conceptualise help-seeking in their context. Help-seeking is underpinned by communication, self-efficacy, and problem-solving skills. The study suggests practical strategies for higher education institutions to incorporate help-seeking training into their curricula, as part of preparing students for complex work environments.


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Author Biographies

  • Natasha Dwyer, Victoria University

    Senior Lecturer in Digital Media

  • Naomi Dempsey, La Trobe University

    Dr Naomi Dempsey is Pro Vice-Chancellor (Student Experience and Employability) at La Trobe University and is an accomplished educational leader with 25 years of experience in higher and vocational education. She is recognised as a sector leader (2019 LH Martin Institute Award for Excellence in Leadership (ATEM)) for the strategic transformation of the student experience. Naomi's philosophy that each student is an individual with personal goals underpins her work. Naomi’s research and professional expertise focus on student success, equity group cohorts, intensive mode learning and teaching, and the enhancement of student learning and the contemporary student experience to enable students to succeed on their terms. 

  • Darren Brown, RMIT University

    Darren Brown has a diverse background in educational leadership across vocational and higher education sectors and a range of arts and technology disciplines. His formal and informal research interests include student experiences of education from multiple perspectives and lenses. Professionally Darren has senior leadership experience across the breadth of student services, supports and experience domains, both directly in areas such as counselling, career path development, learning support and welfare, and indirectly in student retention, pathways and work-integrated learning. He is a passionate supporter of equity and opportunity in education and the social, economic and well-being benefits this brings to individuals and communities. 

  • Anthony Watt, Victoria University

    Dr Anthony Watt is a Professor of Education at Victoria University, Melbourne, Australia. Dr Watt has spent 43 years in education, as a physical education teacher and academic. Leadership roles undertaken include Director of Learning and Teaching and Deputy Dean of the College of Arts and Education. He has been involved in the publication of 82 peer reviewed articles, 2 books, and eight book chapters, that have resulted in over 3800 google scholar citations. He has supervised 26 doctoral and 16 Master’s students to completion. Dr Watt currently serves on the board of the Australian Council of Health Physical Education and Recreation


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How to Cite

Dwyer, N., Dempsey, N., Brown, D. ., & Watt, A. (2025). Employer perspectives on the importance of help-seeking as a key skill of higher education graduates. Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability, 16(1), 1-17. https://doi.org/10.21153/jtlge2025vol16no1art2015