Using student conferences as a form of authentic assessment to develop and enhance transferable communication skills in quantitative and data-driven disciplines: Evidence from a postgraduate public health program
authentic assessment, graduate skills, higher education, meaningful assessment, postgraduate degrees, public health, quantitative methodsAbstract
Globally, the volume and availability of data has grown exponentially over the last few decades. In turn, workforces are looking for graduates to be well versed in working effectively with data, with the skills needed to work both efficiently and creatively within data-driven environments. This has been reflected within the context of higher education through the increased demand for specialist training and development in quantitative and data-driven (QDD) disciplines – particularly within postgraduate study. Graduates are expected not only to possess technical skills, but also ‘softer skills’, including multifaceted communication skills to communicate complex concepts with non-expert audiences. This paper considers how the environment of a student conference might amplify the authenticity and meaningfulness of oral presentations as an assessment format, while helping QDD students to develop and enhance their transferable communication skills. Following the introduction of an additional assessment to a postgraduate public health program, surveys were carried out with staff (n=11) and students (n=31). Data were analysed using descriptive statistics and content analysis. Results showed that the student conference environment assessment was meaningful for students and supported their communication skills development through the authentic delivery of oral presentations. The conference environment helped students build confidence, with 88% (n=22) finding it useful to practice presenting to peers, and 100% (n=26) feeling more confident about their work. This study, thus, illustrates a transferable and implementable approach for educators wishing to integrate a student conference assessment to develop students’ communication skills, particularly in QDD disciplines.
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