

  • Beatrice M Tucker Curtin University, Australia




Welcome to Volume 5 of the Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability. This web-based journal is an open access publication of peer-reviewed publications disseminating research and best practice in higher education teaching and learning for graduate employability.

As universities continue to direct attention to graduate capabilities (also referred to as attributes) and employability, the momentum in curriculum development designed to improve employability continues to grow. It is now widely accepted that it is not sufficient for universities to merely articulate graduate capabilities, they must also accept that they have a responsibility to create a curriculum in which the explicit teaching, learning and assessment of these capabilities is embedded.  While on the surface it seems a straightforward matter, the practicalities of designing a curriculum to achieve this are far from simple, and require academics to review their beliefs and behaviours related to teaching and learning. In particular, they are faced with the dilemma of how best to design teaching and learning activities, including work integrated learning opportunities, which will not only enable students to develop and practice ‘employability’ skills, but also engage them. Whilst not appropriate for all courses, one approach to addressing this dilemma is through the integration of authentic resources and experiences into the curriculum.


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Author Biography

  • Beatrice M Tucker, Curtin University, Australia

    Manager Evaluation and Course Quality, Curtin University.







How to Cite

Editorial. (2014). Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability, 5(1), 1. https://doi.org/10.21153/jtlge2014vol5no1art563