Embedding graduate employability attributes in management sciences curricula: A case of two Namibian universities


  • Romanus Shivoro University of Namibia, Namibia
  • Rakel Kavena Shalyefu University of Namibia, Namibia
  • Ngepathimo Kadhila University of Namibia, Namibia




employability attributes, content analysis, implicit employability, graduate attributes, work-integrated learning


Recognising implicit employability attributes within discipline-specific program modules is a critical part of the process of developing new employability modules in the management sciences curricula. The notion of graduate employability has gained acceptance in the higher education sector across the world and furthermore higher education and industry appear to have reached consensus on the importance of enhancing graduate attributes through the curricula at university. This paper offers a qualitative analysis of curricula documents to determine strategies that are effective in enhancing graduate employability. Using content analysis to assess six bachelor degree programs in management sciences from selected universities in Namibia, the study established that, in addition to work-integrated learning modules, there is evidence of graduate employability attributes being implicitly embedded in core curricula and discipline-specific modules. The researchers argue that universities should develop a stand-alone core module specifically to cultivate employability attributes. This should be supported by multiple work-integrated learning experiences for students to practise technical or discipline specific skills and generic employability attributes.


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Author Biographies

  • Romanus Shivoro, University of Namibia, Namibia

    PhD student at the University of Namibia. Title of Dissertation: "A framework for the development of graduate employability attributes in the curricula of management sciences at higher education institutions in Namibia".

  • Rakel Kavena Shalyefu, University of Namibia, Namibia

    Dr.  Shalyefu is the Deputy Director for the Center for Teaching and Learning Improvement Unit and Continuous Professional Development at the University of Namibia.

  • Ngepathimo Kadhila, University of Namibia, Namibia

    Dr. Kadhila is the Director for the Center for Quality Assurance Management at the University of Namibia.


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How to Cite

Shivoro, R., Shalyefu, R. K., & Kadhila, N. (2017). Embedding graduate employability attributes in management sciences curricula: A case of two Namibian universities. Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability, 8(1), 123-136. https://doi.org/10.21153/jtlge2017vol8no1art639