Student voice and influence on employability in Australian higher education




higher education, graduate employability, student unions, student voice, student equity



Higher education institutions are increasingly focussed on improving the capacity and potential of their graduates to gain employment. Attempts to develop employability skills through both mainstream and extra-curricular activities create new demands and expectations for students. Despite these demands, little attention has been given to student voice and influence in the employability sphere. Furthermore, the specific role of student unions in improving employability has been marginalised in Australian research. The research reported in this paper involved conducting a national survey of student groups and a comprehensive desktop review to capture student perspectives and investigate strategies to improve employability. From the research five broad student-centred approaches were identified: providing input into university employability strategies; placing students in positions of leadership and responsibility; delivering careers services; managing clubs and societies; and advocating for students from equity groups who have relatively poor completion rates and/or graduate outcomes. The findings are discussed and recommendations targeted to higher education institutions and student unions are provided.



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Author Biographies

  • Lisa Andrewartha, La Trobe University, Australia

    Lisa Andrewartha is Senior Research Officer and Senior Project Coordinator in the Centre for Higher Education Equity and Diversity Research at La Trobe University (Melbourne). Lisa has published widely in areas of student equity in higher education, including graduate employability, tertiary enabling programs, students from low socio-economic status backgrounds, care leavers in higher education, and postgraduate and higher degree cohorts.

  • Andrew Harvey, La Trobe University, Australia

    Dr Andrew Harvey is Director of the Centre for Higher Education Equity and Diversity Research at La Trobe University (Melbourne). He has a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) and PhD in Politics, both from the University of Melbourne. Andrew has published widely in areas of higher education policy, including student equity, admissions, retention, and globalisation. He is lead editor of Student Equity in Australian Higher Education: Twenty-five years of A Fair Chance for All (Springer, 2016).


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How to Cite

Student voice and influence on employability in Australian higher education. (2017). Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability, 8(1), 202-214.