Coming together? Social Network Analysis of humanitarian actors in Burkina Faso
social network analysis, Burkina Faso, NGOAbstract
The deteriorating security situation in Burkina Faso has meant that humanitarian assistance programs have now been operating in the country for several years. Over the course of the response, emergency education and child protection interventions seeking the wellbeing of children and their rights to quality education have been prioritised. To achieve the best possible results, the humanitarian community has put in place a coordination mechanism and a ‘big deal’ to ensure synergies and maximise impact. The objective of this study is to draw out the operational dynamics between the actors in the response and to reflect on the results. We have found that this push for coordination has had mixed results—only a few organisations in Burkina have extensive networks with significant centrality for state services. Our study indicates that humanitarian organisations in the fields of protection and education must establish more connections with each other, and especially with local organisations, in line with the Grand Bargain’s mission to strengthen and
optimise responses.
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