Humanitarian Solutions to Improve Dignity and Wellbeing for Rohingya Refugees In Bangladesh


  • Josh Hart Deakin University, Australia


Mots-clés :

Rohingya, refugees, Bangladesh, humanitarian solutions, Myanmar, humanitarian crisis


There are almost 1 million Rohingya refugees currently living in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. The vast majority of these people are confined to government-run camps—they live in deplorable conditions, are unable to legally work or leave the camps, and are entirely supported by international aid. The Rohingya suffer from a distinct lack of access to durable solutions, in that safe return to Myanmar is not possible and the prospects of local integration or resettlement to a third country are extremely limited. While ending refugee crises invariably requires long-term political solutions, this article will argue that where repeated efforts to pressure Myanmar to address its human rights abuses and create the conditions for safe and voluntary repatriation have proven ineffective, more attention should be paid to shorter-term humanitarian solutions. Potential interim strategies designed to increase self-sufficiency, dignity and wellbeing will be assessed with a view to developing a holistic strategy that can provide short- and medium-term support, while a longer-term political solution to what is one of world’s most severe humanitarian crises is sought.


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Biographie de l'auteur

  • Josh Hart, Deakin University, Australia

    Master of Humanitarian Assistance and Graduate Certificate of Humanitarian Leadership, Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia.
    Programme Manager, IOM – UN Migration (since 2013).


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Two young girls smile while playing a game on the ground with a man







Comment citer

« Humanitarian Solutions to Improve Dignity and Wellbeing for Rohingya Refugees In Bangladesh » (2020) Le Leader Humanitaire, p. Working Paper 008, July 2020. doi:10.21153/thl2020volno0art1019.

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