Authenticity ahead of interdisciplinarity – a scoping review of student experiences in interdisciplinary science projects




Employability, project-based learning, interdisciplinary competence, curriculum design


Interdisciplinary projects are reported to facilitate the development of both disciplinary and generic skills. They vary in their design and implementation, but the effectiveness of different project models has not been studied. The aim of this study was to determine student satisfaction, engagement with learning and development of employability skills across interdisciplinary projects with different delivery models.

This scoping review appraises interdisciplinary projects implemented in science-based undergraduate degree programs. Projects with varying models of delivery, interdisciplinarity, authenticity and external partner involvement were examined, and the reported student learning and satisfaction ratings compared. Descriptive statistics and cross tabulation using Fisher’s Exact test were used to analyse the data.

The interdisciplinary project model had little effect on engagement with learning, but student satisfaction improved if the project task was rated as authentic (p<0.05). Improved learning was reported in about half of the projects reviewed. Improved employability was reported in projects where students used discipline-based skills to provide a consultancy (p<0.05), and those where an external partner was involved (p<0.05).

The interdisciplinary project model did not affect disciplinary or employability skill development, apart from interdisciplinary competence, which was significantly improved in a truly interdisciplinary project (p<0.01). Interpersonal skill development was significantly improved where projects had integrated rather than sequential tasks (p<0.05).

Overall, interdisciplinary projects that were authentic and/or involved an external partner generated better student satisfaction and real-world experience. These results inform the future design of interdisciplinary project-based learning tasks and encourage involvement of external partners in project design and delivery.


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Author Biographies

  • Dr Joanne Hart, University of Sydney

    Dr Joanne Hart is an experienced researcher with extensive teaching experience in biomedical science and research methods. Dr Hart is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and is particularly interested in interdisciplinary and project-based learning as well as developing Faculty capacity for delivering student research projects. She has extensive curriculum development experience at the unit of study, Degree Program and University level.


  • Dr Elisa Bone, Melbourne Centre for the Study of Higher Education, The University of Melbourne, Australia

    Dr Elisa Bone has a research background in ecology and extensive teaching experience in the biological sciences. She has led and implemented Faculty-level curriculum reviews and advises academics across STEM disciplines in curriculum innovation and design projects. Dr Bone has research interests in interdisciplinary and authentic teaching and learning in the sciences, including the use of collaborative digital tools, and in the effects of disruption on academics’ approaches to teaching and learning.



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How to Cite

Authenticity ahead of interdisciplinarity – a scoping review of student experiences in interdisciplinary science projects. (2022). Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability, 13(1), 109-126.