Exploring changes in perceived employability in Australian engineering undergraduates: A pilot study





The paper is part of a pilot study exploring how undergraduate engineering students at one Australian university perceive their own employability development over the span of their degree. The paper outlines approaches to defining employability and the individual factors within employability. Students across a range of year levels were surveyed about their perceived employability, which refers to how likely it is that an individual believes they will be able to gain employment. The paper discusses the survey results and finds that perceived employability drops as students progress through the year levels of their degree. The study strengthens previous research in this area, and reinforces the need for universities to ensure that students are supported as they enter the labour market to become the engineering professionals of the future.


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Author Biographies

  • Simon Howell, School of Engineering and Built Environment, Griffith University

    Simon is the first-year coordinator for Engineering students on the Gold Coast, and also manages the professional practice and employability skills stream at the School of Engineering and Built Environment. Simon believes in developing the next generation of engineers and designers though using hands-on projects in his courses, and works to engage with industry to source site visits, internship and graduate opportunities for the student cohort.

  • Wayne Hall, School of Engineering and Built Environment, Griffith University

    Wayne Hall holds a PhD from the University of Warwick and a PGCert in Learning and Teaching from the University of Plymouth. Wayne’s research interests lie in the design and manufacture of lightweight and Fibre Reinforced Plastics (FRPs) and in engineering education related research.

  • David Geelan, School of Education, The University of Notre Dame Australia

    David Geelan has taught high school science and maths in Victoria, NSW and WA, and worked as a science educator in Papua New Guinea and Canada as well as Australia. David's research focuses on teacher explanations and the use of interactive simulations ('virtual labs') in chemistry and physics education.


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How to Cite

Howell, S., Hall, W., & Geelan, D. (2024). Exploring changes in perceived employability in Australian engineering undergraduates: A pilot study. Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability, 15(1), 362-378. https://doi.org/10.21153/jtlge2024vol15no1art1501