Students’ career capital resource needs for employability in the technology-driven work world




The present study assessed the world of work awareness of a random sample of (N = 486) higher education undergraduate students from an emerging country. In addition, the study explored these students’ needs for information they need from their studies about the technology-driven world of work. The needs were evaluated in terms specific career capital resources that should be addressed in the higher education curriculum to foster the employability of graduates in a rapid evolving digital-era workplace. A mixed methods concurrent triangulation design was employed to analyse quantitative (numeric descriptive statistics and correlations) and qualitative (text) data from the same sample. The quantitative descriptive findings suggested an open-mindedness toward new technology, being responsive to changing work conditions and a need for continuous upskilling opportunities. The participants exhibited sound awareness of the impact of technology on their future employability and careers. Predominantly, the qualitative findings indicated a strong need for 'knowing how' career capital resource development in the form of career planning and job search guidance and gaining deeper knowledge and understanding of the impact of technology on the job market, job and occupation opportunities and employability requirements. Participants expressed a need to understand the relevance of the qualification curriculum and content to the digital-era world of work and shifting employer expectations. The findings also revealed a need for 'knowing what', 'knowing why' and 'knowing whom' career capital resource development for employability as part of university studies. Recommendations are made for incurriculating career and employability development in university courses.


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How to Cite

Students’ career capital resource needs for employability in the technology-driven work world . (2023). Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability, 14(1), 136-150.