More Career Development Learning for Neurodivergent Tertiary Education Students: A Case Study
All adults, regardless of neurodivergent condition, should have the opportunity to engage in meaningful and sustainable work. However, there are a range of unique barriers facing those with neurodivergent conditions which are critical to understand to successfully facilitate the career development learning (CDL) strategies that will enable job market entry and success. In this paper, we will discuss a pilot CDL program, founded on the principles of social constructivism and Students as Partners (SaP), which was developed to provide neurodivergent tertiary students with the necessary skills and information to establish meaningful careers and employment options. Through our study, findings underscored the anxiety many neurodivergent students experience around career development and the need for specialised support to build confidence. Significantly, the most impactful outcomes from the program were the ability for neurodivergent students to hear authentic and relatable stories from their peers. The opportunity to discuss both successes and obstacles through the lens of neurodiversity was a powerful mechanism within which to build a learning environment as well as a sustainable community of practice. The experiences in both designing and conducting the Students as Partners driven CDL workshops for tertiary neurodivergent students adds significant value to the existing body of literature in not only how we define and label disability but also how employability is interpreted, both from academic and industry perspectives. The observations and findings of such an approach also challenge the existing narrative embodied in many university graduate capability programs for a changing future of work landscape.Metrics
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