Evaluating quality in professional experience partnerships for graduate teacher employability





initial teacher education, professional experience partnerships, graduate employability


Over recent years, much has been said about the quality of Australian initial teacher education. Concerns about the preparation of pre-service teachers and the capacity of graduates to meet the demands of the classroom have re-emphasised professional experience as a fundamental component of high-quality teacher preparation. Simultaneously, this focus on professional experience has emphasised the importance of partnerships. Through policy, the formalisation of partnerships between initial teacher education providers and early learning centres and schools has been linked to quality assurance and auditing cycles which report on the ways that providers prepare graduates for teaching. The employability of suitably-prepared graduates and their early career traction are of particular interest to policy makers, regulators and teacher educators alike. As a result, establishing an evidence base for quality in professional experience partnerships is paramount. This paper reports on the evolution of a strategic partnerships model between one provider and its growing network of partner schools. This model has been developed through a comprehensive evaluation process, examining the nature of formal partnerships and the outcomes associated with them. Data presented here highlights outcomes identified by stakeholders as influential and enacted through formal partnerships. Analysis of data also emphasises ongoing priorities for partnership development, implementation and evaluation, collectively understood to be closely connected to graduate employability.


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Author Biographies

  • Rebecca Walker, Curtin University, Australia

    Rebecca Walker is a Senior Lecturer at Curtin University in the role of Director, Student Experience and Partnerships in the Curtin School of Education. This role includes the leadership of professional experience, student experience, partnerships, professional relationships and accreditation. She is keenly involved in activities to promote needs based approaches to education. Research interests include work integrated learning, online initial teacher education and performance assessment.

  • Chad Morrison, Curtin University, Australia

    Chad Morrison is Senior Lecturer in the School of Education, Curtin University. His attention is on the preparation of pre-service teachers through professional experience within initial teacher education and the identity work, resilience and well-being of early career teachers. These interrelated research themes focus attention on the development of pre-service teachers through to their transition into early career teaching and emphasise the enabling conditions and resources that support graduate teachers to establish successful teaching trajectories within complex contemporary contexts.

  • Iain Hay, Macquarie University, Australia

    Iain Hay is the Director, Professional Learning and Engagement in the Department of Educational Studies, Macquarie University. He is also the Academic Director for the Academy of Continuing Professional Development in Education. He is particularly interested in developing approaches that foster sustainable partnerships with key stakeholders, schools, government and industry. His teaching and research focus on pre-service teacher self-efficacy development and identity formation through quality professional experiences that enhance the transition to the profession.


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How to Cite

Evaluating quality in professional experience partnerships for graduate teacher employability. (2019). Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability, 10(1), 118-137. https://doi.org/10.21153/jtlge2019vol10no1art791