Witches, Bitches and Femmes Fatales: Viewing the Female Grotesque in Children's Films


  • Kerry Mallan




children's films, femininity, gender roles, witches, social norms, transgressions


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Fatal Attraction (1987) Paramount Pictures.

Gilda (1946) Columbia.

The Little Mermaid (1989) Disney Enterprises (videorecording).

Dalmatians (1996) Disney Enterprises (videorecording).

The Witches (1989) Lorimar Film Entertainment (videorecording).







How to Cite

“Witches, Bitches and Femmes Fatales: Viewing the Female Grotesque in Children’s Films” (2000) Papers: Explorations into Children’s Literature, 10(1), pp. 26–35. doi:10.21153/pecl2000vol10no1art1351.

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