CALL FOR PAPERS - TESOL in Context 2024 Volume 33 Number 1 General Issue


Editorial Team: Dr Sue Ollerhead, Macquarie University
                              Dr Julie Choi, Melbourne University
                              Dr Shashi Nallaya, University of South Australia

TESOL in Context is calling for the submission of papers for the 2024 Vol 33 No 1 general issue of the Journal. The aims of TESOL in Context are to provide professionals in the field with insights into TESOL issues in Australia and internationally and contribute to the development of classroom expertise through the dissemination of current research and thinking around TESOL. Readership includes TESOL / EAL professionals working in all sectors of education; universities, primary and secondary schooling, early childhood settings, adult migrant programs, vocational training, ELICOS and TESOL teacher education, both in Australia and internationally. Articles published in TESOL in Context typically examine the nexus between theory and practice. We welcome contributions that celebrate innovative research, pedagogical practices, interventions, and strategies to support students and teachers of TESOL and EAL/D across a range of educational contexts. 

Important dates: 
The deadline for manuscript submissions is 15 September, 2024 for online publication in December, 2024. All manuscript submission materials need to be prepared as per the submission guidelines indicated in the TESOL in Context website.

Submission portal:
Please submit all required manuscript materials via the Open Journal System (OJS). For new users or authors who are submitting their manuscripts for the first time, kindly contact the Journal Coordinator Dr Fiona Tang at for a new user account set-up.
TESOL in Context is published by the Australian Council of TESOL Associations (ACTA), and is a peer-refereed journal with a wide target audience of EAL professionals both in Australia and internationally. Readers are professionals working in universities, schools, adult migrant language programs, vocational training, English for international students and TESOL teacher training, both in Australia and overseas. Papers published in TESOL in Context examine the nexus between theory and practice. The aims of the journal are to:

  • provide professionals with insights into the wider TESOL issues in Australia and internationally; and
  • contribute to the development of classroom expertise of TESOL practitioners.


For further information or requests for the Notes for Contributors, please reach out to the TESOL in Context Journal Coordinator Dr Fiona Tang by emailing
