Online Workshop - Excellence in Peer Review: How to be an effective peer reviewer


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Excellence in Peer Review: How to be an effective peer reviewer

Whether an article can be accepted or not depends on the opinions of the reviewers. However, even experienced reviewers may not always be clear on what to focus on during the peer review process. So, we hope that you can participate in this training, regardless of whether you are the author or the reviewer.

Here, we have summarised the opinions of various experts to help you sort out various aspects that need to be understood during the peer review process. Including:

  • An overview of the different types of peer review
  • The responsibilities of a peer reviewer
  • What are the reviewers focusing on in peer review
  • Ethical concerns in peer review
  • We offer certificates to participants who complete the workshop.

If you would like the opportunity to gain further experience as a reviewer and establish closer connections with journals, after attending this workshop, you can become a member of the Taylor & Francis Talent Pool.


Event Details

August Session
Date: 14 August 2024
Time: 4.30pm - 6.00pm (GMT +8)
Format: Online - GoToWebinar - SIGN UP NOW!