Call for Special Issue Proposals


The Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability invites proposals from individuals or teams interested in guest editing a special issue to be published in 2025. Special issues are an essential part of the Journal, exploring specialised and timely topics that contribute to advancing the field of teaching and learning for graduate employability.

We welcome proposals that address emerging or under-researched areas, respond to current challenges, or bring new perspectives to existing debates. Proposals should be up to 500 words and include the following information:

  1. Guest editor(s): Names, affiliations and a brief biography highlighting relevant experience and expertise in the field.
  2. Proposed theme: A description of the special issue theme, including possible topics and subthemes to be covered.
  3. Relevance: An explanation of how the proposed theme aligns with the scope and focus of the Journal. Consider highlighting its connection to current debates, challenges or innovations in the field.
  4. Significance: A discussion of the potential impact of the theme in advancing research and practice. Explain how it addresses gaps in the literature, responds to emerging trends or contributes to developing new approaches to teaching and learning for employability.

 For reference, recent special issues have included (visit the journals announcement page for examples of special issue calls):


Editorial Process

All manuscripts submitted for special issues will undergo anonymous peer review, consistent with the Journal's regular submission process. Guest editors are expected to work closely with authors through potentially multiple rounds of developmental review to ensure high-quality submissions. The JTLGE Editor-in-Chief, Journal Managers and Editorial Board will provide guidance and support throughout the process to ensure a smooth and efficient editorial experience.


Submission and Contact Information

Proposals should be submitted to by 9 December 2024. Please include "Special Issue Proposal" in the email subject line. 

For any queries regarding this call, please contact