Development and Evaluation of a Tailored Pre-Professional Identity Workshop: A Case Study in Exercise Science




Pre-professional identity; exercise science; employability


Pre-professional identity (PPI) aims to provide an understanding of, and connection to, the skills and knowledge contained in a degree and the intended profession of the student. Investigation into PPI is of importance to higher-education institutions as it provides a means of understanding a student’s orientation and motivation behind degree and career selection. Developing learning activities that capitalise on these motivations is proposed to increase student engagement, reduce attrition, and enhance employability. Using the growing, but relatively new profession of Exercise Science as an example, this study describes a workshop based on theoretical models relating to the concept of PPI, adult learning and self-reflective practices that can be integrated into programs to enhance students’ understanding of their professional identity. One hundred and seventy-three final year Exercise Science students participated in and evaluated the workshop. The workshop was evaluated using a theoretical framework specifically designed for the evaluation of training activities. The combination of the evaluation and feedback from students were synthesised to develop a model for the application of PPI activities across a three-year undergraduate degree.


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Author Biographies

  • Clare Minahan, Griffith University

    Associate Professor Clare Minahan (0000-0002-4777-4033) is an Associate Professor at Griffith University, Level 2 Sports Scientist (Exercise and Sports Science Australia; ESSA) and a Level 2 Strength and Conditioning Coach (Australian Strength and Conditioning Association). Clare is a member of the ESSA Sports Science Advisory Group and is an Associate Editor for Frontiers in Sports & Active Living for the Elite Sports and Performance Enhancement section.

  • Elizabeth Cardell, Griffith University

    Professor Elizabeth Cardell (0000-0002-8327-1003) is the Deputy Head (Learning and Teaching), School of Medicine and Dentistry, Griffith University. Elizabeth strongly advocates for authentic and active student learning experiences using the latest technologies, simulated learning, and work-integrated learning innovation.  She has published in the learning and teaching areas of simulated learning, professional identity, and student wellness. She is a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and an Accreditation Advisor for Speech Pathology Australia.

  • Andrea Bialocerkowski, Griffith Health

    Professor Andrea Bialocerkowski (0000-0001-5946-5679) the Director of Micro-Credentialing and Professional Development in Griffith Health where she leads the development and implementation of health-related micro-credentials. Andrea is focused on the development, implementation, and evaluation of innovative learning and teaching solutions in areas such as micro-credentials and professional development, online and interprofessional learning, and simulated and work-integrated learning, in the field of Health. Her current research focuses on university students' work-study balance, and student placements.


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How to Cite

Development and Evaluation of a Tailored Pre-Professional Identity Workshop: A Case Study in Exercise Science. (2022). Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability, 13(1), 155-170.