Using image-reflections to support undergraduate students’ relational employability: A practitioner reflection
Relational employability; health science educators; teaching and learning; visual media; reflective practice; undergraduate student reflections; career development and employability; curriculum designAbstract
This practitioner reflection explores our integration of the Relational Employability Framework within the Health Research Project capstone unit of a Bachelor of Health Science degree. To address the historically low quality of student reflections, we incorporated image-based reflective activities to improve engagement and depth. These activities encouraged students to use visual media to examine their developing relational employability. We developed and implemented a series of tutorial activities designed to scaffold this process, aiming to foster deeper reflective practice and highlight its importance for career development and employability. Our reflections indicate that, while grades did not significantly increase, students showed enhanced critical thinking and engagement with reflective practice, suggesting the framework’s effectiveness in broadening awareness and enriching employability overall. We discuss the need for peer support among educators to sustain and enhance reflective practices in teaching-learning and conclude with thoughts on our ongoing efforts to embed and expand reflective practices in teaching approaches
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ruth Wallace, Sally-Anne Doherty, Elizabeth J. Cook

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