Editorial: Australian TESOL contexts; a state in flux
The factors influencing the multiple contexts of English language provision in Australia are complex, and this issue of TESOL in Context holds a lens to some of them: the first of the three articles presents a historical overview of provision for English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D, formerly English as a Second Language or ESL) in Australia, the subject of the second is screening for EAL kindergarten children, and the third discusses issues of internationalisation in a K-12 school. Reading these we are reminded that as TESOL professionals we work in an environment of continual change, forced to respond in a frequently ad hoc manner to a number of pressures, including federal and state politics. As far back as 2002 Joe Lo Bianco expressed concern (in this journal) that EAL/D learner needs were still not being met at that time, and the three articles in this issue throw light on why this is still too often the case, despite recent legislative emphasis on a ‘fairer Australia’ (Australian Government, 2011) in which a stronger acknowledgement, understanding and support for linguistic diversity should provide the foundation for a socially just society.
Australian Government (2011). Foundations for a stronger, fairer Australia. Retrieved from https://www.rdasydney.org.au/imagesDB/wysiwyg/SocialInclusionreport2011.pdf
Lo Bianco, J. (2002). ESL in a time of literacy: A challenge for policy and for teaching. TESOL in Context, 12(1), 3-9.
Luke, A. (1996). Genres of power? Literacy education and the production of capital. In R. Hasan & G. William (Eds.), Literacy in society (pp. 308-338). London: Longman.
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