Micro-credentials for recognition of workplace learning






In this provocation paper, we argue that designing micro-credentials for alignment with formal qualifications in terms of volume of learning and learning outcomes may leave employers’ needs unmet and continue the disconnect between employers’ and education providers’ perceptions on graduates’ work-readiness. We encourage the design of micro-credentials for greater recognition and portability of on-the-job learning, be it for credit into formal qualifications or not. We argue also that micro-credentials give an opportunity to better embed workplace informal learning into formal qualifications. This differs and complements previous calls for standardization of micro-credentials in terms of learning outcomes and duration of learning activities. Micro-credentials could be described in terms of other outcomes related to employability rather than traditional learning outcomes and duration of learning activities.  The paper refers to the engineering discipline as an illustrative example to demonstrate the need that micro-credentials could address.


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How to Cite

Martinez-Marroquin, E., & Male, S. (2025). Micro-credentials for recognition of workplace learning: Provocation. Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability, 12(1), 52-57. https://doi.org/10.21153/jtlge2021vol12no1art1513

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