From we ask to iASK: a self-reflection strategy that enables students to connect assessment and employability




Most students acknowledge shared responsibility, with the university, for their employability development. Many academics use assessments as the main driver for motivating students to learn. At the intersection between employability, assessment and learning, the emergent research question is - what are the mechanisms by which course-based employability is fostered? Prior research reveals that although academics identified course-based assessment as the key employability mechanism, neither students nor employers registered this conceptualisation, and thus purpose of assessment. The aim of this research was to stimulate and communicate the direct connection between assessment and employability to students and interpret their response. Over 100 first-year students, across a metropolitan and regional Australian university, participated. Students were directed to use a simple reflective tool, dubbed iASK by the researchers, that probed employability elements of identity, Attributes, Skills, and Knowledge. The research revealed the resulting student view that regular course-based assessment can develop their employability skills in communication and independence, but not in critical thinking and global citizenship.


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Author Biographies

  • Dino Spagnoli, University of Western Australia

    Dino Spagnoli graduated from the University of Bath in the UK with a Ph.D. in Computational Chemistry in 2007. Dino is interested in the affective domain of learning and develops pre-laboratory activities to increase student self-efficacy in the laboratory. Dino also has an interest in student employability, where he leads a community of practice at the UWA. Dino is a Senior Fellow of Advance HE.

  • Shelley Kinash, The University of New England

    Professor Shelley Kinash (Principal Fellow Higher Education Academy - PFHEA) is the Executive Principal Student Experience at the University of New England in New South Wales Australia. Her FoR is Education (39) with a specialisation in higher education, researching: student experience, graduate employability, student voice, accessibility and inclusion and education technology.


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How to Cite

From we ask to iASK: a self-reflection strategy that enables students to connect assessment and employability. (2023). Journal of Teaching and Learning for Graduate Employability, 14(1), 71-87.

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