Call for Reviewers 2024 - TESOL in Context


Published biannually, TESOL in Context has established itself as an internationally refereed, open access journal that caters to a diverse readership across all levels of education systems and aims to bridge the gap between theory and practice, contributing to the development of classroom expertise through the dissemination of current research and innovative thinking.

We are seeking reviewers who:

  • share our passion for TESOL/EAL and have a keen interest in helping with the advancement of our journal;
  • possess professional experience in teaching, research, or both AND/OR advanced degrees such as Master's and PhD (*Research students are also invited to join the reviewer pool);
  • adhere to high ethical standards, maintain confidentiality about the manuscripts they review, and are objective and fair in their assessments; and
  • commit to reviewing manuscripts within the specified deadlines (*The timeframe generally is around 3 weeks upon the acceptance of the review task).

If you are interested in joining our reviewer database, kindly fill out the Reviewer Register Form. A certificate of appreciation on completing a review assignment can be provided upon request. For any inquiries, please contact the Journal Coordinator Dr Fiona Tang at