Science and EAL teachers’ perspectives and practices in building word knowledge in implementing the new Victorian EAL curriculum




EAL curriculum, linguistically responsive instruction, science, vocabulary, teacher collaboration


The recent implementation of The Victorian Curriculum F-10: EAL requires content teachers who teach EAL students to be familiar with the revised EAL curriculum for the purposes of planning and developing approaches to assist learners’ development in English. In the literature and in curriculum frameworks, word knowledge is considered an important aspect of EAL students’ learning. However, little is known about what pedagogical practices teachers across the curriculum perceive as being important, and use, in developing EAL students’ vocabulary. In this study, we investigated linguistically responsive vocabulary teaching in a Year 7 science class. Our aim was to elucidate teachers’ perceptions and practices in teaching vocabulary in science. The qualitative case study drew on principles of linguistically responsive instruction (LRI), which refers to practices for meeting the needs of students in culturally and linguistically diverse classrooms. Analysis of interview and classroom data from an EAL teacher and a science teacher revealed a range of LRI practices for developing word knowledge based on understanding the distinction between conversational and academic language, language learning principles, responsive teacher talk, plurilingual awareness, and the importance of social interaction for learners. We offer recommendations for a whole school approach to LRI, adaptation to online LRI, and curriculum development.


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Author Biographies

  • Minh Hue Nguyen, Monash University, Australia

    See File 1

  • Amanda Berry, Monash University, Australia

    See File 1


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How to Cite

Science and EAL teachers’ perspectives and practices in building word knowledge in implementing the new Victorian EAL curriculum. (2023). TESOL in Context, 31(1), 75-99.
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